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From the time I was around 13 years old, I've fiddled with electronic and audio gear, modifying various pieces of equipment I acquired over time. Later, I moved onto various DIY solutions and upgrading just about everything I owned.


I can confidently say that in the last 20 years, I've built roughly 15 pre-amplifier prototypes, perhaps 6 phono preamps,  25 power amplifiers and designed 15 or so pairs of speakers. Additionally, I’ve tested various cable designs and modified countless commercial gear.


I’ve also gone through those "phases" most audiophiles have in their journeys (aka greener grass elsewhere) Some of these include:

  • Single ended tube amplifiers.

  • Class A amplifiers (either SS, tube and push-pull).

  • All tube front end systems with a fascination/love for DHT tubes and LED or NiCad battery bias.

  • All solid-state front-end system. (often without negative feedback)

  • Op amp avoidance at all cost... acceptance of opamp and opamp running in Class A.

  • Non oversampling DAC, up sampling DAC and then DSP and full active loudspeaker systems.

  • Full range speakers (Lowther, Fostex and Saba Greencone) with and without crossovers.

  • Multi-way multiple subwoofers.

  • Electrostatic speakers (owned 3 pairs through the years - probably never will again though)

  • High efficiency speakers, and compression drivers.

  • Sealed, bass reflex, horn loaded, infinite baffle and transmission lines.

  • Ceramic magnet, alnico and neodymium. I even coated paper cones to alter the sound. (C37, Damar and Puzzlecoat)


As you can see, there’s not a lot I haven't tried. If there is…then it’s likely I’ll try it some day.


I just love to try and learn about audio. I just can't stop.


I recall my most ambitious project being a home made 5 foot tall 100% tube amplifier… operating at 5000 volts DC… to drive my Acoustat 2+2 (without an interface transformer). A big electrical panel enclosure was used for the chassis. The amplifier was operating in pure Class A, using only a Direct Heated Triode, to consume an astonishing 1300 Watts at idle! It worked extremely well and sounded great too. I think I was 22 years old... (see picture in projects)


Today, I understand that most mid and high-end products are the result of heavy compromises by the designer/mfg. With a competitive market, emphasis is often placed on look, with a somewhat disregard to internal layout and ultimate performance. As a result, quality of internal parts is sometimes questionable, and designs can be quite basic for a "state of the art” product.


Most people tend to "change boxes" to improve their systems. I know that by upgrading equipment, huge potential can be unlocked for less than the cost of an audiophile branded power cord. Retailers want you to buy the new "shiny stuff of the year" and are primarily focused on sales margins. I get it. That’s business! However, the customer is the one left with a sub-optimal system. It’s simply just a newer piece of gear.


There’s no magic recipe here folks. Every sound system is different and operates in varying acoustic environments. What works well in a small room might not necessarily be optimal in a bigger room. Different people also like different styles of reproduction. If you get a chance, visit a HiFi show, and you’ll soon discover how vastly different each HiFi system can sound from one room to another.


I'm here to help unlock the true potential of your gear. Within a pre-established budget, I will do my very best to get your equipment to perform they way it should.



Please note:

Each top category has multiple drop down topics available for viewing (Scroll down to see them all). Additionally, if you click on the category itself, additional documents are available, where applicable.

Remember, I have a French mother tongue, doing my best to express myself in the Shakespeare language.

Thanks to a friend, Bevis, most of my website has been corrected for proper English grammar, much easier read now :)


Any suggestion/comments,  feel free to E-mail me.

Update May 2024: this website won't be updated for a while as WIX decided to max storage capacity at 500 Mb unless you pay a monthy fee to obtain more storage (the site is already at 2.4 Go).

I may merge the site to another server or find a solution but in the meantime, I can't add anything but text, Sorry


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