Martin Poulin

Bamboo piece from a 1" holesaw

much much better

Bamboo piece from a 1" holesaw
I’m not completely happy with the Eminence Pro 5w8 as a mid-range driver.
I was wondering about the distortion peaks and rough frequency response plot.
I then decided to remove the dust cap and install a DIY phase plug instead.
The phase plug mod was too tempting to not try.
I had good results before on few Fostex units and some DIY’s sellers still sell them today.
Took a few minutes to make two phase plugs of 2" long and 7/8" diameter, out of a bamboo cutting board. (hence the center hole from the hole saw)
· FR is a bit more even, as was widely expected.
· Distortion is worse below 400 Hz as the speaker loses surface area (SD), and remains similar above this low frequency SD loss.
· Impulse response is much, much better. Less stored energy inside the voice coil cavity.
· Lost ~0.25 grams worth of cone weight or ~6%. (FYI, ~0.25g is similar to the weight of a typical 1" textile dome tweeter.​)
As a 400-3 kHz mid-range, the DIY phase plug modification seemed appears good. Subjective listening seems to confirm this impression, but nothing that really jumps out at you. Equalization is always required.
I’m wondering if I’ll use a DIY coating on the cone?
Perhaps another day.