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Martin Poulin
January 2021,
In mid 2020, I bought a pair of FaitalPRO HF108 and a pair of 1200Hz JMLC horn.
Initially, the plan was to build a pair of 3 ways speaker for my rear speakers. The Faitals would kick in at ~2500Hz and above. A 4" compression driver would fill the 500-2500 range with a 15" doing the 50-500hz range (maybe a pair of 15" even).
As per my move from 5.1 to 7.1, I now need 2 more surround speakers (the side channels). My temporary apartment experience taught me that the sides channels play significantly less output than the rest of the speakers. Their quality isn't as critical as the front Left and Right for sure. Maybe a 2 ways might work good for such application.
The plan is now to use the HF108 with a pair of 12" mid-bass driver to build a 2 ways side speaker. Having knew the change of direction, I would had bought the 1100Hz horn instead of the 1200Hz... Oh well.
Faital recommend 1300Hz as a minimum crossover point and given the 1200Hz Fc of the JMLC horn, 1500Hz would likely be my lowest achievable frequency. But with a bit of EQ with a steep crossover, I might be able to squeeze few more hertz out of that combo, who knows, it will depend how well the 12" perform in that range too.

All the above measurement are done on axis at 30cm distance.
No smoothing or equalisation used.
IR window set at 3.1mS to obtain a reflection free measurement.
I used both my calibrated Umik-1 USB microphone (48kHz sampling rate) and my analog microphone (192kHz sampling rate) to compare the 2 results. I also wanted to confirm if the HF108 had energy above 20KHz, NO, it doesn't, it falls off a cliff.
Stay tuned for the speaker assembly of whatever I turn out to build.
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