Martin Poulin
October 2020,
I've finally left Alberta and the Canadian military for a significant career change that brought me back to my Quebec roots. After 15years in the military and multiple relocations, I'm happy to once again call Quebec my home.
While currently waiting to buy a property, I've settled in a temporary apartment close to my new place of work.
Efforts to adjust the sound and optimize the acoustics will be kept minimal, as I'm just content to have an average sounding system for the time being. When I say average… I mean it. It’s really average.
Due to neighbours all around me and poor sound proofing in the building, I've chosen to use my JBL 306P and my two dual 12" subwoofers. I'm using a budget DIY ClassD amplifier for the subwoofers (based on the TPA3116D2 chipset)
Placement of the subwoofers is not ideal, and totally against common sense for acoustic optimization. Pretty much the worst case you see in, unfortunately, most neophyte setups.
Moreover, I use both subwoofers as speaker stands. Talk about not following my own rules...
As usual, the system is all active:
-JBL 306P (active, internal crossover at 1400hz) and cut at 70 hz to the 2 subwoofers.
-Both subwoofers are 12 hz to 70 hz band. Because I'm forced to listen at low SPL, I boost the lower frequencies and reach as low as 12 hertz. (4x 12" subwoofers can't output that much SPL in the teens, but they can for limited SPL)
-Independent DSP on every channel is applied via Jrivers media player 23.
-Focusrite Scarlett 18I20 interface. (capable of 10 analog channels, and I'm using 9, just one spare left)
Enthusiasm of class D amplification will like me here, as I'm using an all ClassD system. LOL
All power supplies are SMPS too! (computer, Focusrite, JBL and subwoofer amplifiers).
Did I mention the system performance is average? Getting me here.
​I admit, after only 12 days in the apartment, it’s a mess of wiring, cardboard boxes, extra power bars etc. Here’s version 1.0 as it stands:

Update January 2021
New job is going terrific and I can't wait to have my position secured and buy a new home.
Despite not particularly enjoying my transition appartement, I've set few addition with my 7.1 full surround journey.
I've learnt a lot by experimenting attenuation and surround speaker placement and what I prefer the most for the rendering of the soundstage. Great advantage of moving bookshelf around is that it takes less than 2 minutes and you can test again. Not so much the case with my horn system...

Pic on left: I've attached 2 JBL LSR305 (predecessor of the JBL 305P) on the wall to act as my rear channel.
From my listening position, they are 110degree from my center line (exactly as dolby 7.1 recommend)
As per my page on the 305p and 306p, I've added internal bracing to stiffen the enclosure and changed a few capacitors to improve subjective dynamics
Below: you can see the living room with the 7.1 final speaker position (inspired by Sony SDDS placement).
Note: The center channel only play from 52hz to 78hz, acting as a low frequency reinforcement for the L+R channel before the subwoofer kick in at 52hz and below. I don't use the center channel as a real center chanel anymore.
Side channel (2x JBL 305P) are at 60degree from my listening position and are set at -3.5dB relative to my L+R channel. L+C+R are JBL 306P set at -30, 0 and 30 Degrees.

ITU 7.1 placement