Martin Poulin
The stock Eminence PRO 5W8 (ferrite magnet) was quite a disappointment.
As a result, I wouldn’t use them in their current form, and decided to modify them
The first step was to remove the dust cap.
Worse result overall with less bass output
Break-up in frequency was still there
Loss of maybe 0.5 dB in overall efficiency
Second step was a phase plug
Better than one, but still worse than stock.
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Third step was dope coating the cone.
Three coats were added.
Not a significant measured improvement
Break-up is still there and strong
Distortion somehow is a tad higher
Fourth step was adding a bigger dust cap
Felt was added inside the voice coil cavity to fill the air space and hopefully damp any resonance there.
58 mm dust cap were used.
Dope added on dust cap. (two coats)
FS lowered, which was welcomed.

modded is flatter till 3.5K where breakup occur

After four attempts, I finally improved the 5W8.
I used within it's usable range (200 Hz to 3300 Hz) and it’s now quite better than the stock version. The low frequency is cleaner and the cone stiffness improved distortion at mid and lower ranges.
Above 4 kHz, it’s worse than stock. However, above 4k, any tweeter will outperform any mid-range anyways.
I call this modification a success.
This driver will likely be mated with my Transducer Lab tweeter one day. In the meantime, they collect dust in my basement.