Martin Poulin

spend late hours in here

spend late hours in here
Nov 2017
My day to day headphone system. Not much to brag about… but still very good.
Sennheiser HD650 headphones. Modified with 3 custom cables to fit my mood. The stock cables are seen in the picture.
Yulong D100 DAC MK1 version. Modified and running a quartet of AD8620 opamps inside. (power switch in front is my addition)
Krell KSA5 Clone Class A Power Amplifier. Modified from the original design with an improved servo correction and more output power.
Laptop (PC) and DIY USB cable for the DCA
Running JRivers with Convolution plugin. The DSP allows the headphones to be flat from 18 Hz to ~18 kHz. I use Fabfilter pro Q and apply ~16 dB worth of correction to get the sound I want. The DSP'ed HD650 is simply hard to believe. Put on some digital and they’ll deliver!
I'm still using the overkill KSA5 clone that I had built for my now sold HifiMan He-6, as they required a solid amplifier to sound their best.
I thought about selling the KSA5 because the modified Yulong output stage (textbook diamond buffer circuit) was good enough to power the HD650 and the easy 300 ohms load they represent.
Man…was I wrong!!! Despite the extra complexity and wiring, the Krell KSA5 clone just sounded better in all areas. Didn’t take me long to realize that the KSA5 is a keeper. The bass and dynamics are simply superior to the diamond buffer in the Yulong headphone section. No contest here folks.
I plan on building a LME49600 based headphone amplifier to compare it against the old school Krell KSA5 to see if it still has the edge. While Krell used the Jfet input, I find Jfet input often don’t offer the best sonics. Often, they restrict the perceived dynamics.
As a speaker amplifier, the KSA5 works OK, but falls short in the bass authority department and seems to miss on the micro-details. I tested a friend’s 90 Bb/w Yamaha NS1000 speakers, since I’m quite familiar with those speakers, and there was absolutely no doubt about the KSA5 shortcomings.
Of course, it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Is the average audiophile headphone amplifier capable of 7 watts RMS under 8 ohms? Can’t it power 90 dB speakers at moderate listening levels?
In a word…NO. The Krell KSA5 does, it find it difficult but it can.