Martin Poulin

pad in back is different

Real and Counterfeit parts. Can you spot the difference?
Counterfeit on the left… real on the right
Came from an eBay kit. All transistors were fake.
Still work, but inferior specs and bad sounding.
If you buy transistor or capacitor on eBay, 90% of the time they’re fake.
I wish it wasn't true, but it's been my experience. As a result, I no longer buy parts from eBay or Alibaba etc.
$10 for a set of OPA627 online. Fake! (real one are $ 50)
Search Google for more horror stories and remember that 95% of the people do not take the time to write their bad experience.
Here are some links:
Even the leads of the components are fake. Not tinned copper, but tinned steel! Test them with your magnets and see for yourselves. A huge proportion of 'real copper' wire is just fake alloys, even inside expensive interconnects purporting to be 99.999% OFC (oxygen free copper).
On the left:
Not affiliated but a great video from John.
It’s worth watching the whole 15 minutes.