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I'm in a dilemma with this web page (April 2019)


1- I started the site in 2017, in the hopes of generating a modest number of component modifications. While it’s given me several contracts in Ontario, and growing thru word of mouth.


2- As I moved for work. The site have generated almost nothing for my current location of Cold Lake, Alberta. (very remote area)


3- I attempted to divulge limited information on my modifications, but doing it was still counter-productive to my business. I'll get people copycatting my findings, and won't get a dime from them. That’s why I purposely remained vague about the projects I was performing, providing limited information to copycats. I often received email asking for more detailed info... from people copying me.


3- The fact is, that I have a full-time job, and my current income doesn't need to be supplemented. Loosing a bit of business to "copycats" doesn't  affect my financial stability at all.


4- I was reticent to divulge much. All that I've put on the website, I'm certain about, but in the end, it’s mostly debatable opinions. I used to think that ESL speakers were the end all, but not anymore. Should I then delete my prior comments on them? You get the idea.


5- Providing hyper detailed information proves time consuming for my current webmaster skills. Moreover, my interest in generating a "million views website" is ZERO. I will do politic if I aim for the masses.




My plan from April 2019 onward, is to "hide nothing" and launch my modifications and projects with greater detail, without investing countless hours into extreme elaboration, a good compromise. I think the average DIYer will find more useful information here, and hopefully email back a few suggestions as well.


The website won't become an "Electronics for Dummies” option, but if I change a capacitor in a CD player, I may as well identify the function of that cap and part number on the PCB.  If you happen to own the same component, and want to imitate my mods, then feel free. I started as a "copycat" myself, I should not forget it.




Remember, I have a French mother tongue, doing my best to express myself in the Shakespeare language.

Thanks to a friend, Bevis, most of my website has been corrected for proper English grammar, much easier read now :)


Any suggestion/comments,  feel free to E-mail me.

Update May 2024: this website won't be updated for a while as WIX decided to max storage capacity at 500 Mb unless you pay a monthy fee to obtain more storage (the site is already at 2.4 Go).

I may merge the site to another server or find a solution but in the meantime, I can't add anything but text, Sorry


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