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tube or solid state?

The documents in this section are my opinion based on experience.


It’s very easy to put on the  "reviewer hat" and just go on subjective impressions, and attempt to influence/help others.


Plenty of reviews are already online. Some are very knowledgeable, and some are not, with an awful lot of reviewers relying on gut feelings. Some Stereophile reviewers come to mind here, and even more people on discussion forums. 

Pick your favorite reviewer and keep in mind that when reading others, try to put things into context and "read between the lines". Try to visualize the reviewer’s room and acoustic treatments or lack thereof (usually the case).


I remember quite a few mistakes on my audio journey. Plenty in fact, as every step wasn’t always a step forward. Life would be great if every upgrade was an actual upgrade. Reality is that some are side moves and others are worse than what you had. 


The vintage Saba Greencone full-range with an alnico magnet, is strongly recommended on forum, although I had a bad experience with them. What a "popped balloon" that was. My *mint* pair ended up in the garbage, where they belonged.


Some of those so called guru reviewers cost me lot of wasted time, money and effort to follow a path which was doomed to fail.

I've learned from this, and try to pass knowledge I’ve  amassed through the years.


The life lesson here is: If you read something that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


see the short parody below.


SSSSSO TRUE, the US Army*...  (I know very well, I'm in the Canadian Armed Force)

*Your experience may  differ

Remember, I have a French mother tongue, doing my best to express myself in the Shakespeare language.

Thanks to a friend, Bevis, most of my website has been corrected for proper English grammar, much easier read now :)


Any suggestion/comments,  feel free to E-mail me.

Update May 2024: this website won't be updated for a while as WIX decided to max storage capacity at 500 Mb unless you pay a monthy fee to obtain more storage (the site is already at 2.4 Go).

I may merge the site to another server or find a solution but in the meantime, I can't add anything but text, Sorry


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