Martin Poulin
This picture is few years old.
The enclosure for the Scan Speak Revelator 26W4867T00 was the one used to measure this driver. This model has the aluminum cone. (a similar model has a paper cone version available)
As of May 2018, this was… and still is… the "top dog" from Scan Speak in the 10" size.
It features a titanium voice coil and plenty of technology, thus making it an expensive piece.
It was mounted in a 70 liter, vented enclosure with a single rear port tuned at 28 Hz.
All enclosure walls are 2" thick and the front baffle is 2.75" thick. The bass enclosures weight slightly over 100 pounds each.
The internal cavity is filled with Roxul SAFE ’n SOUND acoustic fiberglass.
Those were good cabinets :)
Unfortunately, I don’t have any measurements of the 26W4867 when they were in my infinite baffle system, as I replaced them with the 32W4878.
IB measurement would have been more accurate of driver performance, and show less of the enclosure, but that’s what I can offer. (I sold the 26W later on)
The microphone was placed at ~3" from the dust cap.
This driver is very good for 50 Hz – 600 Hz.
Distortion raises quickly below 40 Hz as the enclosure doesn’t help the measurement as it loads the cone and influences the driver’s measured linearity.
An ideal match for this woofer could be a 3" dome mid-range like the ATC SM75-150 or Volt VM752, crossing around 500 Hz and a good metal dome tweeter on top at say, 3600 Hz. That would be a great three-way system.
Add a sub-woofers if you want deeper extension.
I had great results matching this revelator woofer with the fantastic 3" Eton 3-400 mid-range at 350 Hz.
Like the 32W4878, the main drawback of this driver is ultimately how much air a 10" can actually move.
Surely not for rock concerts, but very good if kept within parameters.
I know the frequency response plot looks bad but consider the scale.
From 40-800Hz, this driver is flat within 4 decibels (+/- 2dB). Very linear woofer.

This driver is very good for 50 Hz – 600 Hz.
Distortion raises quickly below 40 Hz as the enclosure doesn’t help the measurement as it load the cone and influences the driver’s measured linearity.
An ideal match for this woofer could be a 3" dome mid-range like the ATC SM75-150 or Volt VM752, crossing around 500 Hz and a good metal dome tweeter on top at say, 3600 Hz. That would be a great three-way system.
Add a subwoofers if you want deeper extension.
I had great results matching this revelator woofer with the fantastic 3" Eton 3-400 mid-range at 350 Hz.
Like the 32W4878, the main drawback of this driver is ultimately how much air a 10" can actually move.
Surely not for rock concerts but very good if kept within parameter.
I know the frequency response plot look bad but consider the scale.
From 40-800Hz, this driver is flat within 4 decibels (+/- 2dB). Very linear woofer.

Not sure how much "box related" are the decay from 200hz and up.