Martin Poulin

The Simpsons parody of the Duff Brewery using the same content for different product is unfortunately not far from truth.
Sometime, expensive equipment is just re-badge of affordable product.
Several company got caught doing that and I know several more are doing it still...
A Swiss made, USD 10K Goldmund Eidos 18, being a $200 Pioneer DV-300 housed in a nice aluminum chassis...
Lexicon CPD being a OPPO.
For years, Lexicon line of amplifier used to be Bryston ST.
Wadia CDP being a Marantz
Classe CT10, Parasound T3 and Magnum Dynalab DT5 tuners, all being the same.
Classe CT-10 Parasound T3 Magnum Dynalab DT5

I know all 3 Tuners use the exact same board. I'm currently working on a Classe CT-10 for a client and used to own a Parasound T3... More close-up picture of the DT5 internal can be seen below:
Exactly the same board, same capacitor, same chip, same everything but the case... The tiny board on the classe CT-10 (on bottom right) is being held against the front plate in the DT5 and the T3, I can assure you it is there as well.
I also know a well known Canadian company that I'll save the name that use cheap Chinese made "EBAY $30 class D amplifier board". Namely put it in a nice crafted box and sell those amplifier for close to $1000 a piece... One of their legacy 12Vdc power supply upgrade was a car battery charger from a big retailer!!! WTF?
Jeff Rowland amplifier, their model 10 is nothing else than a LM3886 Bridged Gainclone amplifier! Yike
You can buy a bridged gainclone PCB on ebay for like $80 (make sure the resistors are matched as they will fight each other and seriously limit output power, Jeff Rowland knew it and did just that. They added a small potentiometer to fine tune each individual LM3886 DC offset)
USD 10k, Ayre DX-5 being based on a $500 OPPO (oppo again, they must be good for the price)
Music Hall phono preamp being a Rolls
Simaudio being based on a Denon
Gryphon being a NAD
Theta being Philips
Outlaw Audio ECS-10 subwoofer being Velodyne/Chrysalis Photon 10 subwoofer.
No link but do online research.
I'm also highly suspicious of Furutech IEC EMI/RFI line filter being re-badge generic $5 IEC inlet.
Furutech is $50...
More example to come. (Email me if you have some more)
Moral is: Do your homework before buying :)